Real Estate Listings Aggregator

Project Information

Real Estate Listings Aggregator

This real estate listings aggregator project successfully delivered a robust and comprehensive dataset to the client, enabling them to provide a one-stop solution for property searches.

A real estate analytics firm focused on providing market insights and trend forecasts to investors and property buyers.


To create an extensive database of property listings from multiple real estate websites, including Zillow,, and Redfin, with detailed information to facilitate market analysis.

Steps Involved

  1. Requirement Analysis
    • Identified target websites: Zillow,, Redfin.
    • Defined data points: property address, price, bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage, description, images, listing date.
    • Established scraping frequency: daily updates to ensure data freshness.

Data Points Included:

  • Property Address
  • Price
  • Number of Bedrooms
  • Number of Bathrooms
  • Square Footage
  • Property Description
  • Listing Date
  • Images

Results and Insights

  • Comprehensive Database: The client received a detailed and up-to-date database of property listings.
  • Market Analysis: Enabled the client to perform in-depth market analysis and trend forecasting.
  • Improved Decision Making: Provided valuable insights for real estate investors and buyers.
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